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The Top 10 World Famous Inventions Stolen from Indian Vedas
The Top 10 World Famous Inventions Stolen from Indian Vedas
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The Top 10 World Famous Inventions Stolen from Indian Vedas
2018-01-18 01:48:16
The Indian subcontinent was ruled by Ancient Hindu Civilization and was a major contributor to the world, excelling in fields of astronomy, numerology, arithmetic, mineralogy, metallurgy, logic, information & technology. Tracking back the roots of modern inventions showed that scientists & physicists never did anything which was novel, unique or new to the already known process.

1. Atomic Theory:

The Top 10 World Famous Inventions Stolen from Indian Vedas
Third party image referenceJohn Dalton, an English Chemist & Physicist, is said to be the father of atomic theory. However, a theory of atoms was actually formulated 2500 years before by an Indian sage & Philosopher known as Acharya Kanad. Kanada who originated the idea that atom was an indestructible particle of the matter before 2500 years.

2. Surgery: ( Plastic surgery, Brain surgery and more)

Third party image referenceSusruta is the father of surgery. He also wrote the book 'Susruta Samhita' that talks about more than 300 surgical procedures and 125 surgical instruments. He was conducting complicated surgeries like Cataract, Artificial Limbs, Plastic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Brain surgeries and many others etc.

3. Ayurvedic and Siddha medicine:

Third party image referenceAcharya Charak is the father of medicine. His renowned work, the 'Charak Samhita' is considered as an encyclopedia of Ayurveda. In the Charak Samhita, he has described the medicinal qualities and functions of 1,00,000 herbal plants.

4. Earth's rotation & times of eclipses:

Third party image referenceAcharya Aryabhatta is one of the greatest mathematician & astronomer on this side of the world. He was the first person to calculate the motion of planets and times of eclipses, and also the person who proclaimed that earth is round that rotates on its axis and orbits the sun.

5. The number of times earth rotates the sun:

Third party image referenceBhaskaracharya was calculated the time taken by the earth to rotate the sun hundreds of years before. In his treatise, 'Siddhant Shiromani' he writes on planetary positions, eclipses, cosmography, mathematical techniques & astronomical equipment.

6. Zero:

Third party image referenceOne of the most significant contributions to the world has been the discovery of zero by Indian astronomer & mathematician, Aryabhatta.

7. Luminescence of the moon:

Third party image referenceVarahamihira who wrote the book 'Panch Siddhant' and he talks about the lustrous nature of moon and planets because of the sunlight. He also talks about the domains of geography, science, animal science, cures for various diseases inflicting planets & trees in the book 'Bruhad Samhita'.

8. Sign Convention:

Symbol, signs relate to nursing documentation were utilized as a part of an early kind in India by the 6th century once the mathematician, astronomer Aryabhatta recommended the work of letters to represent unknown quantities.

9. Gravitational Theory:

Third party image referenceBrahmagupta, the Indian astronomer & mathematician whose work influenced Arab mathematics in the 9th century, held the view that the earth was spherical & that it attracted objects.

10. Quantum Statistics:

Third party image referenceGerman researchers have dependably stayed inquisitive towards ancient Indian writings, including Vedas & it was from the point they turned out re-setting up the establishments of quantum measurements.

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