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Indian Brokers and Human Rights Violation in India
Indian Brokers and Human Rights Violation in India
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Indian Brokers and Human Rights Violation in India
By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
1.      Will Farooq Abdullah Honestly Find Difference or No Difference After Abolishing Articles 370 And 35-A?
2.      Refreshing memory of Former Jammu and Kashmir CM Farooq Abdullah: 'Some powers didn't want Chattisinghpora investigated': 'Some powers didn't want Chattisinghpora investigated'- Former Jammu and Kashmir CM Farooq Abdullah repeatedly said.
3.      Is he, Former Jammu and Kashmir CM Farooq Abdullah not living an eye witness to 'Some powers didn't want Chattisinghpora investigated'?
4.      Bill Clinton, President USA, was visiting India on March 24, 2000. 3 days before, 35 innocent Sikhs of Chittisinghpura Kashmir, were massacred by unidentified gunmen. Indian Govt and media raised a cry that Muslim terrorists did it. Bill Clington however said that killers were Hindu militants.

5.      Former Jammu and Kashmir CM Farooq Abdullah claimed that some powers did not want the massacre of 34 to 38 Sikhs in Chattisinghpora in 2000 to be investigated. "I wanted the judge probing the fake encounter in Brakpora to look into the Chattisinghpora massacre too, but some powers did not want to do it.
6.      Former Jammu and Kashmir CM Farooq Abdullah said he is writing a book which will have a chapter on this incident, "This should be opened after my death." (Will Farooq Abdullah Honestly Find Difference or No Difference After Abolishing Articles 370 And 35-A?)
7.      In the article, “Kashmir; Hate against Indian Armed Forces - By: Zaheerul Hassan” quoted my practical open visit to Kashmir villages as under:
8.      “According to one of my friend from Ludhiana Mr. Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate; Chief and Spokesperson of Sikh Vichar Manch very rightly diagnosed the reason of hate in Kashmir. I always respected Balbir Singh due to his fair opinion and candid voice against Indian brutality in IHK and other parts of the India.
9.      His recent email stamped my already published observations about Indian rogue army. He narrated one of the incidents of the past in which deployed soldiers forced innocent females to appear naked before the commanding officer of a unit since one of the villager woman refused to provide hen to his bearer.
10.  In this connection, I am reproducing Balbir Singh’s report for the attention of my readers since it is not different from the prevailing situation in Kashmir. According to him after 1971 War with Pakistan, he was posted to Srinagar from April 1972 to April 1974 as he was then serving in Indian Air Force.
11.  The soldiers of Indian Force were not always equipped with weapons and were no way a ruthless or inhuman force in uniform and their job was different than the Indian Armed forces including Border Security Force (BSF).
12.  Sometimes, Airmen feel ashamed to call themselves Fauji in the context, though, that word Fauji should be an honourable for all of us in India, but it is not so for the protectors of the country and negatively used.
13.  There were Kashmiri bearers engaged privately available for the different groups of Airmen, who were provided a pass by the Air Force authorities to serve and earn by doing petty work like serving morning and evening tea from the Mess on our bed and bringing washed and pressed uniform and other clothes for us on requisite payment to them.
14.  One day, I was being having adventurous thinking, I asked my bearer to take some of us to the nearby Villages for a visit as to know how, the villagers live there and to know about their living standard?
15.  Normally, fencing of sensitive Air Force Wing boundary remained open and broken for facilitating the civilian to enter through short cuts, and there was not different situation, though that was a field area.
16.  His prompt reply was, The Villagers will hate and beat me as to why he brought Army men near to their ladies and close to them, even can attack, abuse and insult you in anger.
17.  Then, I questioned him, why it will be so?
18.  He started narrating the past number of stories from 1965 War with Pakistan, as to how armed forces dealt cruelly with illiterate and simpleton Villagers in Kashmir?
19.  For example, he said, I like to sight one narration of very painful story-tale, ‘That once during the War of 1965’, one Col. ordered to his soldiers at midnight to bring a hen or Murga from some Village and prepare the chicken for him.
20.  The soldiers obeyed the Commanding Officer and went to hunt for him, but then the Villagers did refuse deliberately to offer chicken to their demand in the manner considering the men of alienated forces, India.
21.  The soldiers reported back to their Commanding Officer the negative response of the Villagers at midnight in the matter.
22.  On hearing this, the Commanding Officer got frustrated and angrily asked his soldiers to march along with him in uniform towards those Villages, from where you got response negatively in the matter.
23.  According to the bearer, the Commanding Officer ordered to his soldiers, ask the ladies of each Village behaved in the manner in the matter, to bring hen or Murga in their laps with their breasts naked in standing position and their men to lay down on the ground during the midnight illegal operation.
24.  They took all hens or Murgas from ladies after humiliating them by all the ways cruelly and their men were beaten very badly, while lying down on the ground without any justice to them.
25.  According to the bearer, it was usual for the Indian Army or BSF to do so. I think, now days, the condition may be worst as being encouraged to Indian Forces through the Indian Media.
26.  It was really then a heart touching and painful story of Kashmiris in the hands of the Indian Forces and I don’t think now situation is different there, where touts and the most corrupts are ruling under a contract with the government of India.
27.  Anyway, the bearer convinced about us to the Mukhiayas of Villages that Indian Air Force men are not cruel as they had wrong impression and we could visit a few Villages and knew their simple, natural and innocent behaviour especially of the extra ordinary beautiful girls.
28.  Who did not know difference between 25 paisa and 40 paisa? The most beautiful girls turned our enemy with their face red, when we offered 40 paisa of an egg (Thool in their language) instead of 25 paisa, when the same size Egg (Thool) was available in Srinagar City of 65 paisa then. On this confrontation, the shopkeeper was asked to come and convince them that we are ready and willing to pay more prices for their eggs, brought by them.
29.  When they knew the truth, the smile on their face was extremely attractive and thereafter, I never experienced such a sudden and natural smile in my life.
30.  I never enjoyed such a natural beautify, simplicity and innocence of girls after visiting the Villages of Kashmir.
31.  I did ask the Villagers present there that you people are getting very cheap Rice and Dal on subsidy. In reply to this, the Villagers said, our Village Mukhiayas (Now called Sarpanches as alleghed) sell such Rice and Dal in black and don’t bring it in their Villages in connivance with the officials concerned.
32.  In the end the Chief Spokesmen of ‘The Sikh Vichar Manch’ very rightly stated that the conditions for the Kashmiris may be worst presently than those peace days in the valley. Like every other fair individual Mr. Balbir Singh asked from the international community that whether any solution to this international problem is there or not?
33.  It is mentionable here Kashmir issue is one of the basic bone of contention between Indo-Pak. The resolving of the Issue will definitely improve the regional security”.
34.  Srinagar from April 1972 to April 1974 as explained in brief above, but could be the state of people of Kashmir today. Will international community answer or big powers do business on the shading-‘darkened area in picture; an area of relatively dark tone or close lines, dots, or hatching that produces darkness or shadow in a drawing or picture’ blood of humanity secretly in the world always?
35.  The email made my day sad too and reminded me the never-ending saga of Indian state terror against minorities. The Indian excessiveness almost touches barbarism. A famous Indian Sikh scholar Balbir Singh Sooch tersely remarks “Individual terrorism has always an end but the state terrorism ends never.” If terrorists don’t wish to be humans they should better be with the State.” Extract from ‘Sikh Community Waiting for Justice’ Wonders Of Pakistan:
36.  Farooq Abdullah’s plea to offer Id-ul-Azha prayers in mosque ‘turned down’: “Family member claims no one was allowed to meet the former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister. A request of former Chief Minister and National Conference (NC) patron Farooq Abdullah to offer Id-ul-Azha prayers in a mosque was turned down by the authorities, according to his family members. A close relative of Dr. Abdullah, who wished not to be named, told The Hindu that Dr. Abdullah was “barred” from Id prayers despite “a formal request made to the authorities.” Farooq Abdullah’s plea to offer Id-ul-Azha prayers in mosque ‘turned down’;  Peerzada Ashiq SRINAGAR , UPDATED: AUGUST 14, 2019 18:32 IST: THE HINDU
37.  Farooq Abdullah Sahib, you may be thinking that, ‘Farooq Abdullah’s plea to offer Id-ul-Azha prayers in mosque ‘turned down’ is an international news as you are a newsmaker even without being in house arrest for consideration internationally especially in Muslims world,
  but, to my mind, it is bogus news of the day, because you played with your own community and as a whole with the humanity deceivingly as one of the brokers. Remember all and bear your pain as usual you and your family did so far in independent India even without bothering the pain of your community all over India.
38.  It could be presumed that you (Farooq Abdullah Sahib) will be soon raising pro- India and anti Pakistan slogans and he and his entire family shall be shifted to above five star hotels to show the situation is normal in India and the state terrorism has won indirectly or directly.
39.  The state terrorism is always active in India through the brokers of Indian Minorities: Indian Minorities Must Face Injustice Directly from Central Delhi Rulers Not through their Brokers! https://www.facebook.com/balbir.singh.355/posts/2349158998452523
40.  Sikhs Hatred In Abroad! Who Does Send the Message against Sikhs?
An observation by: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
Highlights Forwarded By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
First Posted On: August 15, 2019, 12:34 AM (IST)
Indian Brokers and Human Rights Violation in India

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