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ASC attends the Council on Foreign Relations Conference, NY Feb 11 – 12, 2025.
ASC attends the Council on Foreign Relations Conference, NY Feb 11 – 12, 2025.
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ASC attends the Council on Foreign Relations Conference, NY Feb 11 – 12, 2025.



Press Release | February 15, 2025 | Subscribe  


ASC attends the Council on Foreign Relations Conference, NY Feb 11 – 12, 2025.

Ebenzer Obahare, Shannon K O’Neil and Farah Pandith on a panel.


The American Sikh Council (ASC) representative Kavneet Singh was invited to attend the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Conference and workshop focusing on religion and foreign policy.


The mission of the CFR is the inform US engagement with the world. Founded in 1921, CFR is nonpartisan, independent national organization thin tank, educator, and publisher, including of Foreign Affairs. It generates policy-relevant idea and analysis, convenes experts and policy makers and promotes informed public discussion – all to have impact on the most consequential issues facing the US and the world.


CFR is one of the most prestigious and important think tanks focusing on foreign affairs, security, public policy, etc., not only in America but in the world. Leaders of the world pay heed to their advice and take them seriously.


This particular conference and workshop served as a resource for faith leaders and policy makers a forum for congregational leaders, seminary heads, scholars of religion and representatives of faith-based organizations to discuss global issues in an interfaith environment. CFR produces a vast array of resources that provide nonpartisan and authoritative analysis to inform the work of religious thinkers and educators to foster dialogue within their respective communities.


Dinner and networking by attendees.


There were 85 invited attendees including panelists from across the nation and some from other countries. There were 21 panelists including those who lead the independent group sessions on various topics.


Major topics under discussion on various panels through out the two-day conference were the following:

  • Sustaining Bipartisan Religious Engagement in US Foreign Policy.
  • Faith, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation.
  • International Religious Freedom.
  • Global Hot Spots.
  • Scaling Faith Based Collaboration.

The concurrent group discussions focused on the following:

  • Climate and Faith Movements.
  • Gender Roles and Leadership in Religious Communities.
  • Genocide and Religious Violence.
  • Health and Religion.
  • Migration and Statelessness.

Kavneet Singh was in the discussion group which covered ‘gender roles and leadership….’ and shared his views of the relevant Sikh experience on gender equality and uplighting women. He spoke about the emancipation of women centuries ago by the Sikh Guru Enlighteners and the various roles played by Sikh women, including Princess Sophia Duleep Singh the granddaughter of Maharaja Ranjit Singh leading the suffrage movement in the United Kingdom in 1910. 


Parshan De Visser with Kavneet Singh.


Parshan De Visser, Founder and President, Global Unites and Sri Lanka Unites who was a panelist on ‘Faith, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation’ was truly inspiring with his innovative ideas, genuinely uplifting everyone by giving hope in a very challenging time. He was flown in specially from Sri Lanka for this conference and did a remarkable job at the event.


Kavneet Singh with Rabbi Joe Charnes and Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi.


Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Commissioner, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), who holds a PhD in Law from Indiana University spoke eloquently on collaboration all minority faiths to strengthen peace efforts and building bridges, especially for those who are being persecuted in various countries such as China, Iran and India.


‘Scaling Faith Based Calibration’ discussion.


Kavneet Singh did bring up the issue of the decade and half long sustained genocide of the Sikhs from 1984 – 1998, the long suppression of freedom speech, the continuing transnational repression including the various assassinations of Sikh activists in the diaspora. He stressed on the need for allyship and support to give voice to the voiceless to bring about justice and peace.  


Religious leaders, advocates, activists, educators of all faiths have much to share but even more so to learn from the deep insight of the CFR organization, which can help bring about change on the ground through their wealth of knowledge to make a better world.


The American Sikh Council (ASC) continues to work and collaborate with various orgs. in order to bring about interfaith harmony and long-term peace.



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