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Nanakshahi New Year 557! (March 14, 2025)
Nanakshahi New Year 557! (March 14, 2025)
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Nanakshahi New Year 557! (March 14, 2025)



Press Release | March 14, 2025 | Subscribe  


Nanakshahi New Year 557! (March 14, 2025)


The American Sikh Council (ASC) wishes the Sikh Panth a very Happy Nanakshahi Sikh New Year 557. This Nanakshahi Sikh New Year is celebrated by the Sikh Panth around the world, today.


It’s a very auspicious day, as today we Sikhs also celebrate ‘Holla Mahalla’, the festival of Sikh Martial Arts taught by the tenth Sikh Enlightener, Guru Gobind Singhji.


Today is ‘1 Chet Nanakshahi’ (March 14) and we must read from the Guru Granth Sahibji, and imbue ourselves by understanding how to feel and behave in the month of Chet. We must read ‘Barah Mah Banni’ in ‘Maanjh Raag’ by Guru Arjan Sahibji and ‘Tukhaari Raag’ by Guru Nanak Sahibji.


ASC President Jasbir Kaur who has been a school teacher in the Youngstown School district for over two decades, celebrated the Sikh New Year by serving a cake, to the administration and students at the Taft Elementary School, Youngstown, Ohio. She spent time explaining and educating everyone about the significance of this important historic date.


On behalf of the American Sikh Council (ASC) Jasbir Kaur stated, “May all the people of the world be blessed with peace, prosperity and happiness in the coming (Sikh) New Year.”


People of various religions consider their particular religious calendars to be crucial in guiding them about celebrating their historic and other religious holidays with accuracy. The unique and distinctly independent Sikh religion also has its own unique ‘Mool Nanakshahi Calendar’ (MNC). The MNC used by the Sikh nation is https://americansikhcouncil.org/2025/03/15/mool-nanakshahi-calendar-year-557-2025-2026/


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