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The looters- polluters behind as the party to, who are themselves polluted-dirty, but don’t stay-live in worst air pollution of India?
The looters- polluters behind as the party to, who are themselves polluted-dirty, but don’t stay-live in worst air pollution of India?
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The looters- polluters behind as the party to, who are themselves polluted-dirty, but don’t stay-live in worst air pollution of India?

 Observed By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
Delhi's Smog Worsens, India's Pollution Board Says Prepare For Emergency:
One of the most ugly-horrible sources of human rights violations in India: “India's toxic air kills more than one million people each year-BBC”
One of the most ugly-horrible sources of human rights violations in India: “India has the world's worst air pollution: India's toxic air kills more than one million people each year-BBC”. Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch observed also 
Emerging economies spar with U.S. over ‘carbon colonialism’: Could It Not Safely Inferred: India Is Not Ready And Willing To Control Pollution: For The Reasons; The Corrupt And The Henchman Of The Central Agencies Do Enjoy The Fruit Of Pollution Under The Policy Of India: Isn’t?


Submission: Please change or abandon the concept, “India Matters For Those: Who are themselves polluted-dirty: How India's air pollution is being turned into floor tiles”: http://www.thekhalsa.org/frame.php?path=527&article=26657

Meanwhile, a senior United States administration official on Thursday said calls from some of the nations that face the greatest threats from climate change to update official pledges every year was too extreme.

The dispute over the frequency of the national pledges comes a day after the United States and China issued a surprise collaboration agreement that spurred new optimism for reaching a broad agreement on the negotiations to advance the fight against climate change. The U.S. official told reporters it was too early to tell whether the pact with China had influenced the broader negotiations.

Under the Paris climate agreement, countries were due to update their climate initiatives this year. While some nations have upped their climate goals, not all have — or they have only modestly adjusted their targets, including countries like Brazil, Mexico and China, the world's largest greenhouse gas polluter.

The new submissions set the word on a path of 2.4 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial levels this century, according to a report by Climate Action Tracker, well short of the growing calls to aim for the 1.5 degrees Celsius target: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/11/us-europe-climate-pledges-developing-countries-520968
The looters-Polluters behind as the party to, who are themselves polluted-dirty, but don’t stay-live in worst air pollution of India? Submission By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch: Could It Not Safely Inferred: India Is Not Ready And Willing To Control Pollution: For The Reasons; The Corrupt And The Henchman Of The Central Agencies Do Enjoy The Fruit Of Pollution Under The Policy Of India: Isn’t? http://www.thekhalsa.org/frame.php?path=527&article=26657

One of the most ugly-horrible sources of human rights violations in India: “India has the world's worst air pollution: India's toxic air kills more than one million people each year-BBC”. Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch observed also 
Delhi's Smog Worsens, India's Pollution Board Says Prepare For Emergency:
Delhi's Smog Worsens, India's Pollution Board Says Prepare For Emergency: The board said government, private offices should reduce use of private transport by 30% and advised Delhi's residents to limit outdoor exposure. Delhi:Reuters: Updated: November 12, 2021 7:40 pm IST: https://www.ndtv.com/delhi-news/delhis-smog-worsens-indias-pollution-board-says-prepare-for-emergency-2608663
Highlights Forwarded By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch; Advocate, Ludhiana

The looters-Polluters behind as the party to, who are themselves polluted-dirty, but don’t stay-live in worst air pollution of India?

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