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ਪ੍ਰੇਸ ਰਿਲੀਜ਼ ਅਤੇ ਸਟੇਟਮੇੰਟ
Friedrich’s Weekly India News Highlights
Friedrich’s Weekly India News Highlights
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Friedrich's Weekly India News Highlights
News impacting Indian human rights (6/12/21 - 13/12/21)

6 December 2021. The Wire. "AFSPA, the Law That Allows Incidents Like the Nagaland Killings to Occur."

  • "AFSPA has established a culture of impunity that allow military forces and governments to completely disregard human rights and the rule of law. Allegations of human rights abuses under AFSPA include personnel committing rape, using human shields on army vehicles, fake encounters, and disappearance while in custody."

9 December 2021. International Christian Concern. “Churches in Southern India Canceling Christmas Due to Increased Threats by Radicals."

  • As Karnataka's BJP government promises to pass a law criminalizing religious conversion, attacks on Christians increase so rapidly before the law is even passed that Christians, in fear of violence, plan to cancel celebration of Christmas.
9 December 2021. The Wire. “In MP, Hindutva Groups, Pliant Cops and a Sympathetic Govt Have Driven Christians to a Corner."
  • "Videos of the recent attack on a missionary school in Madhya Pradesh may have gone viral, but this is only the latest in a long line of assaults on Christian missionary institutions led by right-wing Hindutva groups."

9 December 2021. The Atlantic. “The World’s Largest Democracy Is Failing.”

  • Modi’s involvement in the Summit for Democracy proves the entire venture a fraud.

10 December 2021. Time. “Joe Biden’s Democracy Summit Is the Height of Hypocrisy."

  • “This, after ignoring—as Trump did—the recommendation of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom to list India as one of the worst offenders of freedom of worship. All of this is because of India’s strategic importance in America’s rivalry with China.”

10 December 2021. TRT World. “'We will cut you up': A glimpse of violence Christians face in India.

  • “Attack on the minority is a part of the campaign of RSS and BJP. One component is Muslims, and another is Christians.”

11 December 2021. The Quint. “Modi Repeals Farm Laws: Why No U-Turn on CAA? There Are 5 Angles to This.”

  • "In terms of scale both movements were quite formidable and among the biggest mass protests India has seen in the recent past," writes Aditya Menon as he analyzes the circumstance and political calculations behind Modi's approach to protests against the Farm Laws versus CAA.

13 December 2021. The Wire. "Why Police Brutality and Torture Are Endemic in India."

  • "The most brutal to rise to the top" because the culture of policing in India, where torture is technically legal, incentivizes them to abuse.

13 December 2021. The New York Times. “India’s Latest Religious and Cultural Flashpoint: Eggs.”

  • You can't make an omelet without cracking eggs, but in Ahmedabad, you can't crack eggs if you're a street vendor due to a crackdown on their sale imposed by a Hindu nationalist movement which is working towards totalitarian control of even people's diets.

13 December 2021. The Wire. "Modi and His Brand of Hindutva Are Direct Descendants of the British Raj and its Policies."

  • "I see the Modi regime, and all its regional satraps, as direct descendants of the high point of British rule in India, which one could place in the 1860s and the decades that followed it. The current BJP regime is the British Empire 2.0."

13 December 2021. The Tribune. "Nagaland firing incident proves high time AFSPA is repealed from NE: Irom."

  • “'The Nagaland incident has once again shown why the draconian AFSPA should be withdrawn from the northeast. It should be an eye-opener. Human lives are not so cheap.... For how long will the people of the region suffer because of it? In the name of battling insurgency, you can’t take away people’s basic rights. There are other ways to tackle it,' Sharmila, who ended her marathon hunger strike in 2016, told PTI in a telephonic interview."

13 December 2021. The Print. “Karnataka to pass anti-conversion bill as Hindutva groups target Christians & churches.”

  • "Members of the Christian community have been claiming that the attacks have been increasing ever since the government spoke of introducing the anti-conversion bill."

13 December 2021. Deccan Herald. "Karnataka government likely to introduce bill prohibiting 'Love Jihad'."

  • Karnataka considers the double whammy: both an "anti-conversion" law to criminalize religious conversions (mostly targeting Christians) and a "Love Jihad" law to criminalize interfaith marriages (mostly targeting Muslims).
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Pieter Friedrich is a freelance journalist specializing in analysis of South Asian affairs. He is the author of Sikh Caucus: Siege in Delhi, Surrender in Washington and Saffron Fascists: India's Hindu Nationalist Rulers as well as co-author of Captivating the Simple-Hearted: A Struggle for Human Dignity in the Indian Subcontinent. Discover more by him at PieterFriedrich.net.








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