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Punjab’s fall or discouraging since PM Indira Gandhi and the loot of Punjab continues,
Punjab’s fall or discouraging since PM Indira Gandhi and the loot of Punjab continues,
Page Visitors: 94

Punjab’s fall or discouraging since PM Indira Gandhi and the loot of Punjab continues,


The rest intellectual masturbation of Sikhs in India: Arguing -discussion as to how, for what and how seems wasteful?

By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
G20 summit- Biden says raised human rights in India with Modi.jpg

G20 summit: Biden says raised human rights in India with Modi-BBC Highlights By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar
“G 20 summit: Biden says raised human rights in India with Modi-BBC”
“Indian Military may be in no mood to fight as they are no more Martyrs”! But how Col Manpreet Singh cremated in Mohali; mortal remains of Major Dhonchak consigned to flames in Panipat: Scores of people turn up at the residences
of the slain Army officers:
The Centre is victimising my Punjab: “Punjab’s fall or discouraging since PM Indira Gandhi and the loot of Punjab continues, the rest intellectual masturbation of Sikhs in India: How, for what and how seems wasteful”?
“Intellectual masturbation can be defined as: 1. The act of satisfying one's ego through statements intended only to show off one's intelligence. 2. Acting like a know-it-all jerk that no one likes to listen to and everyone wishes would
just shut up”.
Stop committing “Intellectual Masturbation”, instead put your words into action. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/stop-committing-intellectual-masturbation-instead-put-mambrasar
“Intellectual masturbation is generally used as a pejorative expression with the following meanings: The act of satisfying one's ego through statements intended only to show off one's intelligence. Acting like a know-it-all jerk that
no one likes to listen to and everyone wishes would just shut up”.
“G20 summit: Biden says raised human rights in India with Modi-BBC”
"And, as I always do, I raised the important [subject] of respecting human rights and the vital role that civil society and a free press have in building a strong and prosperous country with Mr Modi," he added. 
The Judiciary is under stress, the all institutions under stress under all the evils of immature democracy-the system in India: why? http://www.thekhalsa.org/frame.php?path=342&article=29467
“BRICS summit: Xi, Modi agree to intensify efforts at ‘expeditious de-escalation’ along LAC”: “Indian Military may be in no mood to fight as they are no more Martyrs”! http://www.sapulse.com/new_comments.php?id=22365_0_1_0_C
This chapter examines how constitutions fare in crisis situations, under stress, with special attention to three disturbing scenarios. The classic form of lifting constitutionalism occurs under the guise of emergency. The official purpose of emergency powers is simple: to restore constitutional normalcy after a sudden shock. The idea that constitutional democracy should be able to defend itself from its enemies also sounds appealing. However, this militant democracy remains ambiguous and an invitation to and justification for abuse of powers. In closing, the chapter considers the rise of the preventive state and its implications for constitutionalism, especially in governments engaged in a war on terror.
11 Constitutions Under Stress


The Judiciary is under stress, the all institutions under stress under all the evils of immature democracy-the system in India: why?
Highlights Forwarded By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
“Indian Military may be in no mood to fight as they are no more Martyrs”! But how Col Manpreet Singh cremated in Mohali; mortal remains of Major Dhonchak consigned to flames in Panipat: Scores of people turn up at the residences of the slain Army officers: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/haryana/emotional-scenes-as-mortal-remains-of-major-dhonchak-reach-panipat-544588
Punjab’s fall or discouraging since PM Indira Gandhi and the loot of Punjab continues, the rest intellectual masturbation of Sikhs in India: Arguing -discussion as to how, for what and how seems wasteful?

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