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‘Bail, not jail’:
‘Bail, not jail’:
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‘Bail, not jail’:
“The intrepid warrior for human rights and the search for Democracy in India- Alpa’s book”

Highlights  By: Balbir Singh Sooch-Sikh Vichar Manch
The True Khalsa Spirit-Character For The Welfare Of Humanity.jpg
Modi ji has indulged in the most vicious form of hate speeches."
Draconian: Bail is almost impossible to obtain in cases under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. PTI

“Draconian- ‘CRUEL- SEVERE’ law: Draconian, as a result, became associated with especially authoritative actions that are viewed as cruel or harsh. Merriam-Webster”“Don’t address your informer-traitor of Punjab as a good man or friend” the police officer of the United Kingdom said
‘Bail, not jail’: “The intrepid warrior for human rights and the search for Democracy in India- Alpa’s book
Incarcerations was published in March. Alpa has delved into the personal history of each of the 16 men and women accused of being members of a banned Maoist organisation;
That was allegedly plotting to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The accusation of plotting to kill Modi appears to have been added for effect. It was not repeated during the investigations.
TRYSTS AND TURNSThe Bhima Koregaon saga of injustice: Charges yet to be framed against the accused, even though the first arrests were made in 2018: By: Julio Ribeiro:Updated At: May 31, 2024 06:33 AM (IST): The Tribune, Chandigarh: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/comment/the-bhima-koregaon-saga-of-injustice-626347
The Bhima Koregaon saga of injustice: Draconian: Bail is almost impossible to obtain in cases under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. PTI
‘Bail, not jail’ was the principle laid down by Justice VR Krishna Iyer, one of the most respected jurists to have graced the Supreme Court.
She- ALPA Shah studied at Cambridge University and the London School of Economics, where she is presently a professor of anthropology. She is the author of Nightmarch and In the Shadows of the State. But it is her recent book,
The Incarcerations: Bhima Koregaon and the Search for Democracy in India, that got me acquainted with this intrepid warrior for human rights.
Incarcerations was published in March. Alpa has delved into the personal history of each of the 16 men and women accused of being members of a banned Maoist organisation that was allegedly plotting to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The accusation of plotting to kill Modi appears to have been added for effect. It was not repeated during the investigations.
Those arrested in the Bhima Koregaon case were a motley crowd of lawyers, academics, writers, poets and even balladeers, some not even known to the others, like Kabir Kala Manch poet Sudhir Dhawale, singers Ramesh Gaichor, Sagar Gorkhe and Jyoti Jagtap.
Each of them spent many years in jail without being convicted, without even being tried! Since they were arrested under the draconian UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act), the process was phased to become the sentence. Bail is almost impossible to obtain in UAPA cases. The charges against the Bhima Koregaon accused have not yet been framed, though the first arrests were made in 2018. A few of them are on bail. Some are still in prison. Their trial is not likely to start anytime in the near future.
‘Bail, not jail’ was the principle laid down by Justice VR Krishna Iyer, one of the most respected jurists to have graced the Supreme Court. His elder brother, VR Laxminarayanan, an IPS colleague of mine, served in the CBI. The UAPA was meant to neutralise the ‘mischief’ of that legal principle in cases where the security of the nation was said to be threatened. But in actual practice, it has been turned into an instrument of injustice, confining citizens arrested under that Act to incarceration without trial for years together.
A salute to the personalities-To save India
"Modi ji has indulged in the most vicious form of hate speeches."
Bail, not jail’: “The intrepid warrior for human rights and the search for Democracy in India- Alpa’s book

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