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Mohan Bhagwat says Lok Sabha poll campaign by both sides increased ‘social tensions’
Mohan Bhagwat says Lok Sabha poll campaign by both sides increased ‘social tensions’
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Mohan Bhagwat says Lok Sabha poll campaign by both sides increased ‘social tensions’
It is not easy to rebottle the genie- Jinn: Isn’t?

Observed By: Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate,  Ludhiana
Mohan Bhagwat says Lok Sabha poll campaign by both sides increased ‘social tensions’-The challenges had not ceased.jpg
The challenges had not ceased
It is not easy to rebottle the genie- Jinn - ‘a magic spirit believed to take human form and serve the person who calls it’:
It is not easy to rebottle the genie- Jinn ‘a magic spirit believed to take human form and serve the person who calls it’; genie- Jinn in stories a magic spirit that looks like a person, often lives in a lamp or bottle, and serves the person who calls it’ once it is released:
Modi will have to change his approach. Clearly, it is not a winner anymore. He needs to discipline the fringe elements in the Sangh Parivar who had free rein in the first 10 years of his reign and had tasted blood. Taming them will take some doing. It is not easy to rebottle the genie once it is released.“Modi used the ‘Hindu majority versus Muslim minority’ card: Julio Ribeiro”The Tribune, Chandigarh 
Modi ji has indulged in the most vicious form of hate speeches, which are purely divisive in nature,” Former Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh said: http://www.sapulse.com/new_comments.php?id=22870_0_1_0_C
The intention of repeating falsehood, fraud and act of cruelty again and again: Isn’t?
“Pakistan-occupied Kashmir is ours, we will take it:
“Don’t address your informer-traitor of Punjab as a good man or friend”
What does prevail in my India: To know ground realty read all?
“Modi used the ‘Hindu majority versus Muslim minority’ card: Julio Ribeiro”The Tribune, Chandigarh
Modi will have to rethink his strategy of governance, particularly how he treats political opponents and the minorities.
He will have to change his approach. Clearly, it is not a winner anymore. He needs to discipline the fringe elements in the Sangh Parivar who had free rein in the first 10 years of his reign and had tasted blood. Taming them will take some doing. It is not easy to rebottle the genie once it is released.“Modi used the ‘Hindu majority versus Muslim minority’ card: Julio Ribeiro”The Tribune, Chandigarh 
Mohan Bhagwat says Lok Sabha poll campaign by both sides increased ‘social tensions’: It is not easy to rebottle the genie- Jinn: Isn’t?
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