2014-10-14- guru granth sahibGuru Granth Sahib Jee, the embodiment of the timeless, limitless and boundless wisdom of the Sikh Gurus is today being proved to be ‘wrong’ both individually and even as a Panth. Having reduced it’s status to that of a peon, half of today’s Sikhs do not regard it as Living Guru and the other half do but only by outwardly shows. Only a handful pay heed to what its role truly is in our personal and Panthik affairs. Even when we have a living scripture, earned through hundreds of years of blood, sweat and tears, many ‘Sikhs’ hardly even care to entrust Guru Granth Sahib as the centre of their lives and choose to follow their own fickle wisdoms as alternative way of life.
Countless issues that we face today are as a result of our own making, but even then, we refuse to acknowledge that Guru Sahib’s advice in all 1430 pages of unrivaled and unequaled wisdom. We dare to calls ourselves Sikh, but refuse to accept the definition of the title as per what Guru Sahib states. Guru Sahib created us to stand out, but we have chosen to fit in with everything contrary to Gurmat. Guru Sahib freed us of rituals, misbeliefs and ignorance, but we have jumped back into the same muck we were rescued from. Guru Sahib directed us to the ONE, but we have forsaken the faith and attached it to the countless. Guru Sahib transformed our homes and being into the temples of the LORD, instead we have confined HIM between the four walls of a physical structure. Guru Sahib inspired to sit together as one and deliberate and discuss on the wisdom of the Gurus so that we may remain reunited in body and soul, but we have instead taken to petty arguments and embittered ourselves with each other. Guru Sahib showed us how to live an ideal life of principle and with pure character, but we have given more value to a hedonistic existence.
Guru Sahib, Your ‘Sikhs’ of today have challenged your wisdom and audaciously claim that You, too, after all, were human and prone to error of opinion. They have selectively taken your teachings and adulterated it with their own, and of others, and claim it to be the refined way to live. They call Your personality and image as outdated, radical, fundamentalist and extremist, and yet hypocritically still wanting to be associated with You. Sorry, Guru Sahib, with all the education they have today, they have become more wiser and learned than Thee. You are no longer relevant to them as they become their own guru. Sorry, Guru Sahib, even after hundreds of years, they refuse to understand you and claim with bravado that you are wrong in everything You inspire, guide and instruct because Your Path. Sorry Guru Sahib, instead of us having failed you, You have failed us – for the Sikhs of today remain discontent with everything they have and lay all the blame for their failures on what you taught us. These Sikhs want to progress in the world and You are holding them back. Sorry Guru Sahib, You are wrong.
Forgive our souls, Guru Sahib, for this is what we have reduced ourselves to from what you raised us to be. We truly do not deserve the perfect way of life you brought from the Source that we were destined to returned to, but have instead chosen to remain resident in the physical realm and spiritual hell of our deeds, fickle choices and polluted outlook to life.
‘Sorry, Guru Sahib, You are wrong.’